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With exceptional beauty , lustre , and sparkle ,​diamond is the most iconic of all

precious stones and highly prized in jewelry all over the world. However this is only one of its uses.

​Industrial diamond is a vital component in oil drilling, specialist scalpels , tool manufacturing , and many other industries , all of which use the supreme hardness of diamonds for cutting tools and 

abrasive powders. There is no firm boundary between gem-grade and industrial  - grade diamonds - around 80per cent of the diamonds mined each year are unsuitable for gemstone wear , and find other uses in industry. However , very small or lower - grade stones can be polished into gemstones rather than being used in industry. 

Discovering diamonds

For over 2,000 years, diamonds were found only as crystals in river gravels, and, until 1725, India was the major source. As Indian production waned, diamonds were  discovered in Brazil, and in 1867 they were found in gravels neat the Orange River in the Kimberley region of South Africa. Further exploration there revealed volcanic pipes of a previously unknown rock type containing diamonds; this was named kimberlite and was recognized as the diamond source rock. Its discovery formed the basis of the modern diamond industry. Many similar pipes have since been found in other African countries, Siberia, Australia, and more recently in Canada, China, and the USA.













​Refers to the weight of a diamond.

Carat is often confused with size even thought it is actually a measure of weight. One carat is equivalent to 200milligrams.One carat can also be divided into 100 "points". A.75  carat diamond is the same as a 75-points or 3/4 carat diamond.

A 1-carat diamond costs exactly twice the price of a half-carat diamond,right? Wrong.
 Since larger diamonds are found less frequently in nature,which places them at the rarest level of the diamond quality pyramid, a  
1-carat diamond will cost more than twice a 1/2-carat diamond(assuming color,clarity,and cut remain constant).

Cut and mounting can make a diamond appear large (or smaller)then it's actual weight. So shop around and talk to your jeweller to find the right diamond and setting to optimize the beauty of your stone.







​Refers to the angles and proportions of a diamond.

Based on scientific formulas, a well-cut diamond will internally reflect light from one mirror-like facet to another and disperse and reflect it through the top of the stone. This results in a display of brilliance and fire, thereby placing well-cut diamonds higher on the Diamond Quality Pyramid than deep or shallow-cut diamonds. Diamonds that are cut too deep or too shallow lose or leak light through the side or bottom, resulting in less brilliance and ultimately, value.

Cut also refers to shape - round, square, pear, or heart for example. Since a round diamond is symmetrical and capable of reflecting nearly all the light that enters, it is the most brilliant of all diamond shapes and follows specific proportional guidelines. 
Ask a jeweller to find out more about these guidelines.

Non-round shapes, also known as "fancy shapes",will have their own guidelines to be considered well-cut.







​Refers to the presence of inclusions in a diamond.

Inclusions are natural identifying characteristics such as minerals or fractures,appearing while diamonds are formed in the earth. They may look like tiny crystals,clouds or feathers.

To view inclusions, jewellers use a magnifying loupe. This tool allows jewelers to see a diamond at 10x it's actual size so that inclusions are easier to see. The position of inclusions can affect the value of a diamond 
There are very few flawless diamonds found in nature, thus these diamonds are much more valuable.

Inclusions are ranked on a scale of perfection, known as clarity, which was established by the Gemological Institute of America(GIA).
The clarity scale, ranging from F(Flawless) to Included(I), is based on the visibility of inclusions at a magnification of 10x.

Some inclusions can be hidden by a mounting, thus having little effect on the beauty of a diamond. An inclusion in the middle or top of a diamond could impact the dispersion of light, sometimes making the diamond less brilliant.

The greater a diamonds clarity, the more brilliant, valuable and rare it is -and the higher it is on the Diamond Quality pyramid.




クラリティ (透明度




Refers to the degree to which a diamond is colorless.

Diamonds range in colour from icy winter whites to warm summer whites.
Diamonds are graded on a colour scale established by the Gemological Institute of America(GIA)
which ranges from D(colorless)to Z.

Warmer colored diamonds(K-Z) are particularly desirable when set in yellow gold. 
Icy winter whites(D-J) look stunning set in white gold or platinum.

Colour differences are very subtle and it is very difficult to see the difference between,
say, an E and an F. Therefore,Colour are graded under controlled lighting conditions
and are compared to a master set for accuracy.

Truly colorless stones, graded D, treasured for their rarity, are highest on the
Diamond Quality Pyramid. Colour, however, ultimately comes down to personal taste.
​Ask a jeweler to show you a variety of colour grades next to one another to help you determine your colour preference.


diamond-color 1.gif

カラー (色) 



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